About this Wisconsin Dells Museum Attraction:
One of the fun weird things to do in the Dells is Ripleys believe it or not museum. The Ripleys museum chain has been around for 90 plus years. This museum is known for having many odd, strange, weird and unbelievable objects, animals, historic items, wax replicas and more. They have locations all over the country including the Wisconsin Dells. The Temple of Discovery at the end is fun for kids where the floor vibrates, smoke spews out and the ceiling shakes. This area in Ripleys is also an interactive game for the kids to where they can look for clues.
9 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day from Memorial Weekend through Labor Day weekend 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in March, September and October. The rest of the months we are open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday through Monday only.
Museums & Historic Reviews:
Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum reviews vary, though the majority are that you either like it or you do not. I would not recommend this museum for children under 12. It’s not a huge museum by any means but it does have a lot of odd and freaky cool stuff in it. Most reviews say it’s worth the trip to see once. There is a lot of reading involved to get the most out of it as there is with any museum, but still a lot of cool stuff if you don’t read as well. If you have problems getting around this may not be a good place to go as it is tight quarters and taking strollers in is extremely difficult. Ripleys reviews also greatly vary depending on if you like museums in the first place.
Recommend buying a combined package with the 4D movie, Ripley's museum and the wizard Quest all for one price.