When are the best dates, times and weekends to go to the Wisconsin Dells?
Above is a rates calendar for the Wilderness resort of there typical rates as of 2009 for a 1 Bedroom premier condo. The chart illustrates the most expensive and least expensive dates/times to visit the Wisconsin Dells area. Use this calendar to save money and costs as well as predict how crowded and busy it will be when you decide to book your reservations. These rates will change yearly and seasonally. But it gives you an idea of both the busiest times of the year as well as approximate cost increases for specific weekends such as July 4th. Typically room rates, car rentals and campgrounds are the main costs for a Dells vacation and are what will vary the most based on holidays, weekends and other special attractions each of them offer at the time.
To save additional money consider checking priceline.com, hotwire.com, and other sites for last minute deals as placing a bid. Remember to always check online for special promotions and discounted rates before you make your reservations as well as before you go on your trip. Some hotels and resorts allow you to cancel without a cancellation fee X-number of days before check in date as well as during certain times of the year.